For us to find the best in ourselves, we have to be looking for the best deep down within us. We need to surround ourselves with the best, choose the best situations to be in, and ultimately be looking for the best in others as well. When looking for the best in ourselves and those around us we have to make a constant choice to look past offense, see through insecurities {that are simply lies from the enemy}, and view our lives through the lens that Jesus sees us through. Now, all of this is simply easier said than done but that's where intentionality comes in. Being intentional means you have to force yourself outside of our own personal comfort zone. You have to realize that in your good intentions other people may still have bad intentions. It's about discovering who you are at the core and building upon those positive things all whilst removing the negative things that have covered your heart for so long. I have found it to be very interesting that when you start working on finding the best in yourself, those around you notice, and just because they notice does NOT mean they have a positive response to that change. In finding yourself you have to be willing to accept the good with the bad. You have to be willing to remove those who do not support your choice to be better because what's the saying, misery loves company? You will quickly recognize miserable people in your life. You will wonder if you've been the miserable person in someone's life at one point. Blinders will be removed when you start to see the good. That's where Satan comes in. We have spoken negativity and given him the authority to blind us. But he holds no power over us when we speak truth. Light. God's promises. He no longer can use what we say when we give him nothing to work with. I challenge you to look deep within your soul. It's probably going to hurt because when we dig deep for the person God created us to be, we are forced to dig up past hurts, insecurities, emotional baggage, and bad memories that we maybe haven't dealt with. It's time to say goodbye to those old things and revive the spirit within you that carries light, hope, confidence, and positive thoughts. You deserve to be that person! STOP waiting, STOP making excuses, and MOVE to find her!
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