Remember that one birthday you had where you thought, "yes, I am so glad this year is coming to an end!" Well I have had that/those birthday(s). I thought that once at 20, and then again at 25, and then one more time at 27. I guess the universe thought it had been too long and I was long overdue for another year like those other ones.
All joking aside, 35 has been a year of bad doctor's reports, failed relationships, the unknown, death, grief and many other things that I won't even waste time mentioning. But it's also been a year of growth, healing, new beginnings, strength and courage. As much as last year sucked (and as much as I'm ready for it to come to a screeching halt), I am thankful for the lessons of 35.
At 35, I've had to find my independence again.
I've had to learn how to better take care of me.
I've reprioritized everything in my life.
I've become more disciplined.
More determined.
More courageous.
And most importantly more in love with ME.
Now that's not to say I haven't had some missteps. Lord knows that I've said some things I can't take back, I've punched a pillow (or 10), I've eaten my emotions and then sometimes stuffed them until they finally bubbled up and boiled over. I am certainly not perfect but I am better. I'm better because I've begun to navigate it all. Navigating it has been the hardest part. Somedays everything feels great and then some days everything feels very, well....not great. I've found there is a fine line between "I'm okay AND it's fine, everything's fine", and let me tell you, I've been walking that line a lot this year. I think what I'm mostly trying to say to you as you read this, is that it's ok to have a bad day, a bad week or heck, even a bad year. What's key is knowing how you're going to take those bad things and turn them into good. So as I approach 36, with just under two hours left in this day, I challenge you to take hold of this new year, seize new opportunities and refuse to let anyone decide what your future may hold.
I always hold onto the quote, "God is within her SHE CAN NOT FAIL!"
He is with me and He is with you and no matter what life may throw at us, we can not fail.
So long 35, and HELLO 36! May this be the year that I remember I can not fail!